
Maternal Mortality Reduction


Our vision is a world where all woman experience pregnancy and childbirth with dignity, safety, and optimal health. We envision a future where no mother dies needlessly due to preventable causes, and where maternal well-being is a cornerstone of thriving communities.


Maternal mortality remains an unacceptably high burden worldwide, with profound implications for women’s health and well-being.

Most maternal deaths are preventable and nearly 800 women die every day due to preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth.

The distribution of maternal deaths is starkly unequal with approximately 95% of all maternal deaths occurring in low and lower middle-income countries with Sub-Saharan Africa and India bearing the brunt of this crisis.

Poverty, limited access to healthcare facilities, and inadequate prenatal care contribute to the high maternal mortality rates in these regions where many women face barriers in accessing timely and skilled care during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum periods.

Tackling maternal mortality demands a holistic approach and addressing each of the three-delays that lead to maternal death – Delay in Seeking Care, Delay in Reaching Care and Delay in Receiving Care. The WONDER software-based model addresses each of these delays and permits us to deliver maternal care to the most critical cases on time or transfer them proactively.

We believe that maternal mortality is not merely a health statistic; human birth is the most natural phenomenon in our species and maternal health is a basic human right.


The goals of our maternal mortality program are (i) to ensure no woman in the program dies during pregnancy, labor or post-partum for preventable causes and (ii) we support and strengthen the local public health system to deliver this care to all citizens.

We have provided maternal health support to over 200,000 women in India since 2019.


With our lead partner WONDER, we have provided maternal health support to over 200,000 women in India since 2019.