We are dedicated to delivering innovative healthcare solutions in slums and stressed neighborhoods.

Who We Are

Over a billion people live in slums today, with no healthcare. We develop and deliver innovative healthcare solutions in slums so everyone can live and thrive.

Twenty years ago we began working with women and children affected by HIV and AIDS in the slums of Kenya, Zambia, and India. Today we also deliver malaria prevention, cholera response, maternal health, and mental health solutions.

Slums are vibrant communities where everyone deserves to live and thrive

How We Effect Change

We never go into a community unless invited. We never believe we know better. We build our programs to collaborate closely with local public health systems (instead of working against them). This approach allows us to stretch our dollars and provide healthcare solutions to the largest number of residents in slums.

For example, we have learned that providing only HIV medications to children living with HIV is not enough to ensure that they stay healthy and attend school. This is why for under $1/day per child, our innovative pediatric HIV program supplements government medications with a comprehensive package of medical care, adherence training, mental health counseling, co-infection prevention, and school support. This approach has been the reason for our extraordinary results over the last two decades.

We adopt the same approach in our other areas of work including maternal health and malaria prevention.

Foundation Facts


Children with HIV cared for


Microloans provided to women


Zero pollution stoves distributed


Women enrolled in maternal care


Treated malaria nets provided

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